Man wearing purple shirt sitting at a table with his new hearing aids examining them and smiling.

You finally got those new hearing aids. You’re finally going to be able to get back into the groove of your social life again. No more missed transitions or confused conversations. But your hearing aids just don’t sound quite right.

The reason for this is that it will usually take some time before you adjust to your new hearing aids. This can be an annoying transition. After all, there was so much you were looking forward to, and that adjustment period just feels so slow.

But there are a few tips you can practice to minimize this transition period. With a little practice, you can quickly get yourself to a space where you’re thinking less about your hearing aids, and tuning in to what you’re hearing.

Tips that help you start Slowly

Regardless of how technologically advanced they may be, it’s going to take your brain some time to adjust to hearing certain sounds again. Here are a few ways you can purposely give yourself time to adjust and start things off slowly:

  • Wear your hearing aids for a short duration: When you’re just beginning, you can practice by using your hearing aids for just a few hours at a time. They might feel a little uncomfortable at first (this is normal), so it’s good to start a little bit at a time. As your hearing aids become more comfortable, you can use them for longer periods of time.
  • At first, try to pay attention to one-on-one conversations: If you wear your hearing aids while eating at a crowded restaurant on your first day you get them, you might be disappointed, not because the devices aren’t working. It’s just that it’s hard for your ear and brain to manage focusing on all those different voices. Staying with one-on-one conversations can help make that transition smoother (and give you a little extra practice, too).
  • Begin by using your hearing aids at home only: When you’re at home, you have a lot more control over what you’re hearing, and you’ll probably experience considerably less noise pollution. This will help you focus on individual voices.

Get extra practice with these tips

There are some things you can do, as with any skill, that can help you practice hearing. Some of these are even fun!

  • Watch TV with the closed-captions on: It’s easy: Turn on the TV, put your hearing aids in, and enjoy. As you read the words you’ll also be hearing the actors talk, and your brain will start remembering what all these words sound like. This can give you some practice hearing and getting used to speech.
  • Simply practice hearing: That’s right: Sit someplace a little quiet and take in the sounds around you. Begin by tuning in to the sound of wind blowing through the trees or birds chirping or nearby running water.
  • Read along with the printed version while you listen to the audiobook.: This comparable exercise can also be very enjoyable. Your brain will learn to make associations between words and sounds by using this read along approach.

Tips to keep your hearing health strong

Keeping your ears as healthy as you can, after all, is one of the primary purposes of hearing aids. And there are some tips you can do to keep your ears happy as you get accustomed to wearing your new hearing aid:

  • Keep visiting us: There might be a temptation to believe that once you have the right hearing aids, you won’t need to have anymore hearing exams. This would be the worst idea. We can help tune your hearing aids, keep the fit comfortable, and continue to check in on your hearing. These follow up visits are really important.
  • Be certain to note and let us know about any pain: Because it shouldn’t hurt to wear hearing aids. So if you’re experiencing any pain or something’s not fitting right, it’s important to let us know as soon as possible.

Go slow and maximize your time as you get used to your hearing aids

Your goal here will be to work your way up to wearing your hearing aids full time. Everyone’s unique but the slow and steady strategy often works best. You’ll want to get personalized guidance from us on the best way for you to get used to your new hearing aid.

Implementing these tips (and tips like them) can help make sure that you enjoy having your hearing aids and that you keep wearing them because they continue to improve your life.

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